Saturday 13 September 2014

Christmas 13..

Christmas with my best buds from school. We've been friends so long and yet I have the least photos of them because there are so non cooperative with cameras. Becky wins on that one but I managed to get a picture of her. I will have to try some guilt methods or something in future what with most picture's existing of us all being 1 megapixel. We cooked up a huge feast, but I took no evidence of that(bad me), all you can see is Becky cutting bread :( Wait til next December...

The moment Charlotte realised she could have a photoshoot with her dog...

My dress...

Emily being a little blob of mustard,sad, afraid mustard...

Women at work..


  1. I think you have taken some lovely pics and thank you for sending me the rest via email! You have highlighted an important issue- we do not take enough photos!! You are like having our very own photographer, so we should take advantage of this. Yes. ;)
